Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy Holidays

It has been a year since I have posted to my blog and would like to catch you up on my daughters progress. She will be graduating this June from High School and will have had work experience under her belt to persue a job after graduation.
She is doing very well socially. She still has some issues but for the most part is socializing and making friends in school. I am still seeking outlets for her on her spare time for socialization. I would like to see her persue a crafting class for disabled young adults and perhaps a cooking class as well. My goals remain the same for keep her occupied and active after graduation and beyond. I am working towards getting an apartment for her in the years to come, but that will all depend on the financing I can get help with through the state and local levels. I certainly cannot afford it on my own.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Paula

    I would like in the first place to give you and your daughter my best regards, and you allways will have a friend to help you, in what i can towards you daughter you can count on me for what it is need...
    special friend...Tony Martins

    I hope that you will enjoy this christmas with everyone in the family with special attention to your daughter...all the best to everyone...
