Sunday, May 31, 2009

Navigating the system for our disabled young adults

As a parent of a disabled child it has been a process learning the lingo and getting the services needed for my child. As she approaches the transition to adulthood it is even scarier. I have learned many things in my search for services for her and am sure there is more to learn. In creating this blog I was hoping to connect with other parents for more ideas and to share stories and successes.
I am interested in finding other young women out there that will be transitioning into adulthood in the next two years and find suitable housemates for my daughter. I am hoping to utilize the Real Life Choices Program (although it is under change now and is being called something else). This program funds aides for our disabled adults to live outside or in our homes to help them with their daily care and needs.
My hope is to create a place for my daughter to live with one or two other young women and have a social life, volunteer in the community they are in and live their life productively and happily.
Best Wishes......Paula

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